Sunday, August 24, 2014

Hiya C:

hi! It's me cassicola. TODAY im going to show u the lyrics for Naturally by Selena gomez

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Jessie gif ! :D

This is a Jessie gif. Enjoy!

Words of awesomeness!

Dark Blue

And that my friends was our words of awesomeness!

Random post!

We dont really have anything to post because theres like no new updates.. but we'll tell you about the events! But not in this post, this is the picture of the day. I hope you all like it..

Awww it's patrick! Isn't he as cute as a button? Like harry styles! Yep definitely like harry styles... at least i think it's patrick,. o-o is it patrick??

I have no idea.

Credit to my friend maureen! 

Okay next is just a random song i picked! its also one of my favorite songs, Mad by Ne-yo! :) I listened to this song alot in the car like along time ago maybe 2008?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Fantage story - the three girls (part 1)

Teddy actually let me post a story, so I'm making a story! It's about a - wait, I shouldn't tell you I'm gonna spoil it! Anyways its a horror story so prepare to get scared to death!

   "Welcome to the sleepover!" Mandy, the blondie said. "Cool i love the outside of your house!" said Karmen who was twins with Kayla. 
   "Umm thanks i guess." Mandy said.

"Yeah! Lol, lets go!" Kayla said running into the house and Mandy and Karmen looked at her weirdly. "Umm okay??" they both said.

  Sorry i have to go so I will make part 2 soon!

post by AliaGirl c;

This is not mine credit to pinkerellie! Also subscribe to her she makes great edits, videos :D :D :D
Song of the day!

This is my favorite song because its so GOOD and so happy! It makes me like wanna dance and sing a long! <3