
Hello people! This is our first interview, and it's with angelicforever20

It's a friend of mine, and it's nothing important but we will learn more about our friend, Angel! 

Me (Lily): Hello angel! How are you?
Angel: Im great thank you!
Me: Is this your first time being interviewed?
Angel: No im not famous so nah
Me: Okay ! Whats your favorite color?
Angel: White! :)
Me: mhmm.. okay, have you ever been in a youtube video?
Angel: nope! like i said im not famous u-u
Me: okay that doesnt have to do with anything... next question! Whats your favorite book?
Angel: Divergent :3
Me: Oh you're just too fab!
Angel: Ikr
Me: o oi
Me: Okaaay angel! i think thats about it for now you can go!
Angel: Thanks so much for letting me get interviewed for your blog! I could get famous now!

Thanks angel for meeting with us!

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